Sunday, September 11, 2016

Reports and Dashboards

What is Report?

To summarize the information of an object we use reports.

What are the types of Reports?

Tabular (Displays records just like a table)
Summary (we can summarize the information based on certain fields)
Matrix (we can summarize the information in two dimensional manner, both rows and columns)
Join (we can summarize information in different blocks on the same object and the related objects)

How many blocks we can create for join reports?

5 blocks.

How many maximum groupings we can do for summary, matrix and join reports?

3 groupings

What is bucketing in reports?

Bucket field in Reports in Salesforce is used to group values to the name we specify.
It can group only the below data types fields
1. Picklist
2. Number
3. Text

How many records we can display on page for a report?

We can display up to 2000 records on a page. If more records are there to display we cannot see those through user interface. If you export the records to a excel sheet then you can export all records.

Can we mass delete reports using Apex (Anonymous Apex)?

Salesforce has not exposed any API for Reports. So best way is :
Move all reports needs to delete in new folder.
Inform everyone that reports will be deleted after some time may be 30 days.
Import your reports folder in Eclipse including all reports to be deleted and then delete the the reports folder in eclipse. It will delete all the reports at once.

Explain what is dashboard?

Dashboard is the pictorial representation of the report, and we can add up to 20 reports in a single dashboard.

What are the different Dashboard Components?

Salesforce dashboard components are used to represent data. Salesforce dashboards have some visual representation components like graphs, charts, gauges, tables, metrics and visualforce pages. We can use up to 20 components in single dashboard.

Is it possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?

No, it is not possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce.

Which type of report can be used for dashboard components?

Summary and matrix report.

Explain dynamic Dashboard?

Dynamic dashboards in Salesforce displays set of metrics that we want across all levels of your organization.
Dynamic Dashboards in salesforce are Created to provide security settings for the dashboards in We may have a requirement in an organization to “view all data” by every user in an organization according to their access we have to select Run as Logged-in User. There are two setting option in Dashboards.
They are
1.Run as specified User.
2.Run as Logged-in User.

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